Thursday, August 15, 2013

Last minute change

Do to me accidentally double booking this evening I have to move the ride up to 4:00-4:15. There is a charity 5k tonight at Worcester Fitness that I'm signed up for. It starts at 18:30 and can still register if anyone wants to run it with MEM and I

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Back from the hiatus

Sorry for the delay but back from vaca now and finals are over so let's get some riding in. The next ride will be this Thursday 8/15. We'll do an evening ride around 5p leaving from the Stop and Shop parking lot on West Boylston St on the West Boylston line. We'll meet on the left hand side of the parking lot. Plan on a 15-ish mile loop up and around Wachusett Reservoir. The big ride plan is in the works. It looks like the date will be 9/29 and it'll be a 60-ish mile loop around the Quabbin Reservoir. Nice and easy ride to enjoy the scenery with a couple stops along the way. If we can a bunch of definite riders we can work out BBQ after its over with probable access to a shower. Family is definitely wanted at the BBQ and friends too. Plan on a day of just relaxing and enjoying life!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Next ride 7/12

Sorry for the delay. The next ride will be a short one just under 15 miles. We will repeat the Wachusett Reservoir loop this Friday. We will meet at the parking area at the intersection of Rte 70 and 140 at 6:30. If anyone wants to lead another group for a day ride let me know.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Next ride Sunday 7/7

The ride last Thursday Sara and I tried our like with the rain and won out. It was a little misty at times but we were able to get a good ride in. For the next ride we are going to go a little longer this time. The ride will start at Long Pond Boat Ramp at 9:00 am again. The official address for this is 2 Crawford Road but you will see the entrance on 122 just before Crawford Rd. This ride will be just over 42 miles through the back part of Central MA. Headed to rte 148 to New Braintree then over to Hardwick and taking 32A up into New Salem where we will pick up 122 again and head back. This ride is just over 42 miles with a couple climbs. Looks like it'll be a lot of fun. I apologize for not getting the maps posted there seems to be a glitch either with mapmyride or the blogspot in transferring it.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Time of the ride

Sorry Steve pointed out I forgot to put a time sorry again it will be 6:30 tonight weather pending

Bad weather coming?

Keep an eye on the weather for this evening. If it is bad the ride will be cancelled. If there is a window to ride and you definitely plan on being there shoot me a text at 978.895.0270 so I know to plan on people being there.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thursday ride

Sorry for the delay. I had finals this week and got tied up. If people are still up for a ride Thursday I will be at the Stop & Shop on W. Boylston St. In Worcester at the West Boylson line. I will be doing a 15-20 mile ride